Asphalt Tile Bitumen Ct '3, 5, 6
We offer products of Asphalt roof tiles.
Permeter contains 7 pieces of 1mx35cm tile.
Weight Per m2: Approximately 10.5kg.
The use of asphalt tile is not so popular in Indonesia, because not many people know the advantages of this type of tile
How to install asphalt tile is the same as how to install the shingle roof, ie from bottom to top.
Material & amp; amp; amp; amp; Processing: Made of paper powder, organic fiber, resin and molded asphalt.
Advantages :
- Lightweight roof load, so can save the construction cost of roof truss.
- Properties of waterproof asphalt tile materials.
- Flexible, so it can easily follow the curve of the roof building both oval shaped, round, prism, triangle etc., with a slope ranging from 22.5 degrees to 90 degrees.
- Easy and practical installation, do not use cement material until there will be no hair cracks that can lead to seepage or leakage.
- Flame retardant and exposure to wind, or extreme weather
- Coated with anti-fungal and anti-faded coating
- Has a minimalist look and a beautiful appearance.
Interested chat for inquire first
Tlp / WA: 081212643290