For Information & Purchase Contact
Gemilang Sejahtera Utama
Phone: 081212643290Waterproofing is an object that is not affected by water or is resistant to infiltration / entry of water, or it may be a protected object
by a matrial that holds or blocks the entry of water. The material is usually used in wet environment or under water pressure.
Cana Waterproofing sheet in addition to use for waterproofing the roof of the house can also be used in buildings such as basement, toilet / shower, dakbeton, pool floor, gutter, wall damp right, underground tunnel etc.
The advantages of CANA Waterproofing sheets:
1. Water resistance is excellent
2. Product durability is very good
3. Has a very good elasticity and water resistance
4. The bottom surface and the ashesive are excellent
5. Resistant to acids and bases
6. Can adapt according to temperature changes
7. Low price and very easy to apply
For Information & Purchase Contact
Gemilang Sejahtera Utama
Phone: 081212643290